Reference Sheets

Recent Art

  • To be sorted... One day!

    Recent art yet to be sorted - check it out! Or don’t! This site has no ads, so, it doesn’t affect me at all!

Keero’s Art Sup…-Repository

  • Keero Solo Pieces

    Keero art that features Keero and is Keero. Good luck loading this one.

  • Keero Sketches

    Art that is not quite not a sketch, and, thus, is a sketch

  • Keero Headshots

    Like a 360noscope, but cuter

  • Miscellaneous Keero Stuff

    Stuff that isn’t art, but isn’t not art

  • Fursuit Pictures

    Actually includes some Nova pictures, too. But, he doesn’t get his own page. Is there any justice in this world?

  • Keero Memes

    Sometimes, images get shared a billion times. Sometimes, they become memes. Witness within.

Keero + Others

  • Keero and Sudo

    Literally the best non-ferret in the world. Love you~ <3

  • Keero and Friends

    “Keero and Friends” is my term for my fursona and all my characters. Friends are featured strongly in some other categories here. Pls no be mad. Keero and Friends =/= Keero + my friends. …Though, my characters are kind of my fursona’s friend? I’m gonna stop explaining this now.

  • Keero and irl Friends

    I don’t know 75% of these people irl, but, like

    These are my characters (including non-Keero ones) + characters I don’t own
    Except for fictional characters
    Oh, boy. If you get gift art with Keero, it’s probably here

  • Keero + Fictional Characters

    Yes. The implication IS that every character in the Keeroverse IS real.

Stickers, Logos, and Emojis

  • Keero Stickers

    Telegram stickers! Of me! 1000x1000 pixels of awesome!

  • Other Stickers

    Stickers that aren’t of Keero, but are still pretty cool anyway

  • Logos

    Logos that I may or may not use in certain places, such as Twitch, Youtube, and the dreams the editor I don’t have told me not to put here

Character Art

  • Nova's Art

    Art of Nova the Squirrel, who is a squirrel named Nova. The more you know.

  • Trinity's Art

    Art of Trinity the Sensou, who is a Pikachu-fox hybrid. His species is two of a kind, but, 1-3 of a kind in our hearts

  • Dickbutt's Art

    Always plays dead in your heart <3

  • Sylver's Art

    Art of a Sylveon-Deer. Yes, those ribbons ARE made of flesh.

  • Juniper's Art

    Is he prey? Is he a predator? Is he adorable? Yes! <3

  • Tokayo's Art

    Keero-Flareon hybrid. This relationship was illegal in 108 countries, but legal in all the COOL ones

  • Karrma's Art

    Ironically, Karrma does not believe in justice. Batman’s least favorite deer.

  • Mystic's Art

    Mystic is a rabbit with a really cool backstory I’ll add into here when it’s not 1:00 AM, probably

  • Murrica's Art

    I bought him for his name, much like this website

  • Jaypeg's Art

    Borne from someone taking a Keero meme I didn’t make (which got over 50,000 shares), and then recoloring it. This horrible recolor then got hundreds of thousands of shares. Poorly recolored Keero is now mine. <3

  • Rutabaga's Art

    Jackalopes may not be real, but, his cuteness sure is

  • Hopper's Art

    He even has a glider! For, uh, eating people. Neat!

  • Unnamed Character Art

    Unnamed characters have feelings, too! They just can’t name them.

Transformation Art